About me
My works are mostly the result of my introspective meditation. I follow my insights and emotions and when I start a new painting I never know where it will end to. I am inspired by nature, urban surrounding, light, sound, colours, all reworked inwardly. I respond to how I see and experience places, the paintings are reworked and layered seeking a visual equivalent rather than a representation. I let the colors, texture and light lead me instead of me planning and organizing it beforehand. I love working with oil and acrylic on sanded surfaces, mostly canvas, canvas paper and cardboard. I also use oil pastels, watercolours and mixed-media. As a print-maker I use traditional techniques as etching and aquatint along with contemporary collagraphy. Experimenting and exploring new methods is very important to me as well as keeping the traditional sketching and life drawing skills.
I have graduated with a BA in Painting from the Fine Arts Academy of Rome, Italy. I moved to the UK in my late twenties where I worked in different art fields. I eventually settled down in London and have been working in my art studio by the river Thames since 2012.
This website is in memory of Derek Watson, who helped me to build it up.

© 2013 by Barbara Gigante